Child of God, Wife to a gracious husband and Mom to extraordinary twin boys

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Forgiveness and Peace

Food for thought:

Both were part of my morning devotional and both found me right where I am.  Don't you love how God does that?  Finds you right where are:  all alone in something and then leads you right to where only He intends for you to find Him!  I love that!  It's humbling, yes, but it confirms all the more for me that I am not alone, that I am loved and that He is always with me in every single circumstance...even in my pain and fears.

Colossians 3:12-17 hits both of these:  Forgiveness and Peace.  How can you have peace without total forgiveness?  You can't according to the Bible.  You must clothe yourself with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.  Wow!  Clothe me that brings up an image of a wool blanket draped over my head like when I was playing hide and seek as a little girl. It covered every part of me so as not to be seen, no matter how much I was sweating under that blanket...I wouldn't move an inch until the game was over. Have I draped myself in tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience?  Nope.  I haven't draped myself in much of anything other than self-pity and bitterness lately, yet I've been wondering why noone is showing me any kindness in my circumstances.  Well, I've been too busy pointing out the ones that I think should be by my side and not considering the ones that have been glorious, God-sent friends!  Shame on me!  I have been loved through my pain by some patient and beautiful friends...I am so blessed and thankful.  You know who you are!

Humility is one lesson that I believe God is really great at teaching us.  Yes, our sins are forgiven as we confess them, but it still remains that consequences will follow.  Even loneliness I believe can be a result of an unforgiving spirit.  Yet, we aren't truly alone...we've just simply lost our focus.   Sometimes you have to experience hurt and anxious thoughts to get to that point where you lay it all out for God alone.  That place where you only have him to lean on and focus on.  Only then can you truly begin to forgive, love and be thankful for each blessing in your life.  Only then can you truly have peace.  It's only now that I am beginning to thank him for this time of humbling.  I consider this journey of jagged rocks and thorns a blessing and if this is what I have to go through to be closer to my God, then I say thank you Lord for never leaving me.

Be thankful in all your circumstances for God is in the midst of it all, always.

Love & Hugs,

1 comment:

  1. How in the world did I not know about this blog?? :)

    Janeen, this is a beautiful, beautiful picture of God's grace in your life. He has been so sweet to you!!

    I'm so grateful for your friendship -- can you even believe it how He brought us together??

    You are beautiful through and through -- what you have put on in your heart is overflowing on the outside!

    Love you,
